Friday 11 November 2011

The Greek Economy

The Greek economic woes,
Are worse than the ECB knows,
With expanding inflation,*
And a rioting nation,
A default is what we suppose!

*Denotes the knowledge on behalf of the author that the main inflationary pressure is not monetary but fiscal (raised austerity VAT).

Thursday 10 November 2011

Limerick Letter #2

Dear Member of Parliament X,
You keep having scandalous sex,
I just wouldn’t mind,
But you leave me behind!
Love, Your Wife (Soon to be ex…)

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Limerick Letter #1

Dear Vicar, I’ve no faith in God,
For the concept’s exceedingly odd.
An omnipotent deity,
Who hides from the laity?
Signed, An existentially miserable sod.